(blog post) Victoria Justice Rocky Horror
About Me
Mewtwo is probably my favorite Pokemon. Yes, I know. Mewtwo was last year. I can't help but love that purple and pink genetic freak. Plus, he's extremely powerful! While I understand that some might find it odd to love the "overused" character of Mewtwo, I don't mind. Mewtwo is amazing, and I will never stop loving him! Decker Shado reviews :)the t
Nature Unleashed: Volcano movie (Decker Shado)
A "blast" from the past, the Nature Unleashed series of movies from Nu Image were a special breed. Theoretically based on science, the need to make them larger than life stories tended to grant more than a little artistic license, which we see well on display in today's review of Nature Unleashed: Volcano. A man loses his wife, and travels (